REMED (reference mobile element database) is a reference database of representative mobile genetic elements, related to bacterial drug resistance, which has complete DNA sequences with re-annotation in a very detailed manner. Five major categories of mobile genetic elements, namely integrons, transposons, plasmids, putative resistance units, and complex multi-drug resistance (MDR) regions, are collected on different web pages.
Re-annotated information of each mobile genetic element is composed of FASTA sequence, gene list, GBK-annotation, SQN-annotation, manual annotation, and gene organization. FASTA sequence is the complete DNA sequence of a mobile genetic element. Gene list is a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file that displays all re-annotated features with site of start, site of end, +/- strand, length, gene name, protein product, and related typing information. GBK-annotation and SQN-annotation are the standard .gbk and .sqn files generated by Sequin ( based on the gene list .xlsx file. Manual annotation is a Microsoft Word .docx file that marks, after extensive manual interpretation and editing, re-annotated features on the DNA sequence. Gene organization includes various schematic vector diagrams, which are originally drawn by using Inkscape ( based on the gene list .xlsx files and then subjective to extensive manual interpretation and editing. All of the above re-annotated data are available for download.